生动的梦想和精神体验在艺术家的作品中占有重要地位,特别是对于这件作品, Diamonds & Rust。该作品在视觉上代表了阿玛迪的personal experience 并与她母亲的来世交流。母亲和养女之间有一种精神上的关系,这种关系在这件作品的主体内相连。
From reminiscing over her many memories at the jewish synagogue with her family, Amadi incorporates_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_the Mourner's Kaddish 在这项工作中。哀悼者的卡迪什(The Mourner's Kaddish)是犹太教背诵的祈祷词,旨在哀悼逝去的亲人并纪念他们的死亡周年纪念日。
Transparency film with ink, cotton, silk, wool, alpaca, nylon, wood, transparent threadPROCESS.
Hand woven on a colonial floor loomTITLE: “Diamonds & Rust"
Original TextileSIZE: 27" x 42"
FRAME: Unframed
The artwork comes with the wooden rod already inserted at the top of the artwork and includes wall brackets to mount for easy installation.